Savings Sheriff Party Surges

LAKE CITY–Voters all across HUB nation awoke today to the news that Samuel had overtaken Jonny for the top spot in the polls.

The Savings Sheriff party candidate managed to eke out a razor-thin lead sometime Monday evening. How long he can maintain his preeminence remains to be seen.

Savings Sheriff fever sweeps the nation

For his part, Jonny had cancelled all campaign appearances yesterday to attend to important business at home. There is some speculation among political pundits that his withdrawal from campaigning at this critical moment in the election may have led to the unseating from his long-time perch at the top of the heap.

Both candidates are tied at 21% of the vote, which means that out of every 5 votes cast for the nine candidates, Samuel and Jonny have managed to snag one vote each.

Jonny is expected to return to the campaign trail shortly and is rumored to have an important announcement to make upon his return. Only time will tell whether he can regain the top spot or whether this is an early sign that his campaign has already peaked.



About Ken L.

Ken is content manager of HUB Industrial Supply
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2 Responses to Savings Sheriff Party Surges

  1. Bear Bullard says:

    Jonny–dont worry buddy. They can;t keep you down for long. It takes more then a kid in pink poca-dots to perswade me to follow the crowd.

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