Super Thursday Primary Ends with Few Surprises

LAKE CITY–Super Thursday primary season ended Thursday promptly at 5:00 p.m. EST. The winner of the primary–to no one’s surprise– was Same Day Shipping party candidate Jonny.

The vote tallies, including percentages and total number of votes received by the top five candidates, will be posted shortly on the main web page of the campaign. UPDATE: The results of the previous primary are now available by clicking the link under the poll results.

The "gardening man" scores a win in the first primary

“I’d like to thank all my supporters who worked so hard to propel me to victory,” Jonny said. “If we can keep this momentum going, there will be a very handsome face on our boxes come July,” he promised.

As the new “Fabulous Monday” primary season voting got underway, early votes were putting Smart P.O. party candidate Bennett in the top position. As he had predicted in an earlier story, the opportunity to finally make a showing on the leaderboard had a salutatory effect on his popularity, at least in the short term.

Time will tell if he can keep the votes coming in high enough volumes to withstand the Same Day Shipping juggernaut.

Specialist party candidate Leigh had poured on a last-minute rally to beat It’s Time To… party candidate Patrick to the third place slot just before the primary ended. She continued her rise in the polls in early voting in the new primary, taking a second place position soon after voting in the new season began.

A recap of the primary as well as an announcement of the drawing winners will be broadcast in an election update slated to premiere on Monday, March 19.





About Ken L.

Ken is content manager of HUB Industrial Supply
This entry was posted in Bennett, Candidate News, Jonny, Leigh, Patrick. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Super Thursday Primary Ends with Few Surprises

  1. Dan Winsberg says:

    If this were a beauty contest than the polls would definetly indicate Jonny had the “very handsome face.” But whatever the reason, it is looking more likely Jonny’s face will be on all of Hub boxes this summer. However it is not over yet. And although I wish Jonny and all the candidates well, I still remain loyal to Gabe. I plan on voting for Gabe daily till the end of this campaign.

  2. Bravo, Dan!
    Good leaders need our support even when the chips are down. When Teddy Roosevelt defied the Republican party and did a third party bid against his own hand-picked successor, they both got beat by Wilson. But he licked his wounds, went on a very dangerous expedition to Brazil, and wound up with his face on Mt. Rushmore!

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