Jonny Regains Top Spot Amid Allegations of Baby Pandering

LAKE CITY–Same Day Shipping candidate Jonny regained his lead in the polls late Friday and has held on to the top spot through the weekend amid heavy voting.

Jonny’s resurgence following a two-day leave of absence to attend the birth of his third child indicates that he has not lost his momentum in this election. But the joy in the camp of the Same Day Shipping party was partially obscured by allegations of unethical use of his newborn son to gain votes.

Can young Tucker trust his own dad not to use him as a campaign prop?

“He won’t allow anyone to see his new baby unless they cast a vote for him,” claimed Savings Sheriff party candidate Samuel. “That’s the price of admission. Now, I ask you: would you sell your baby for a vote?”

When asked to respond to the claim, Jonny heaved a persecuted sigh.

“I did say that to Samuel,” he admitted, “–as a light-hearted joke just to bait my opponent. But anyone who would actually believe that I would do that is immature and ridiculous.”

In related news, Friday was a record voting day with nearly 200 votes cast.

This is a developing story. More will be reported as it becomes available.


About Ken L.

Ken is content manager of HUB Industrial Supply
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5 Responses to Jonny Regains Top Spot Amid Allegations of Baby Pandering

  1. Bear Bullard says:

    Peeioooooie! This article STINKS worser than my hogs. Why do you have to paint a good guy like Jonny like hes a CRIMINEL?

  2. Samuel Lacey says:


    As you can see the excitement for Jonny’s baby has gone down a little, as did the lead in the polls.. It’s hard to believe this would last forever. Sorry Bear, but sometimes the proof is in the pudding…What’s trending on Twitter is #SSP (Savings Sheriff Party)

  3. Dan Winsberg says:

    In the beginning of this campaign, I voted for a few different candidates. I wasn’t sure who deserved my loyalty. But as time passed one candidate rose above all the rest as deserving to win this contest. At least in my mind.
    It was very noble of Gabe to offer the salespeople of Hub Industrial a chance to win the “who’s the boss” contest. He did not have to. But he said the customer is truly the Boss. Hence the customer should decide whos face they should see every time they ordered from Hub Industrial.
    I have known Gabe for many years. He treats people right. He’s a good father. He treats his employees, customers and vendors right. And as President of Hub Industrial I feel he deserves his face on the side of that box.
    Dan Winsberg

  4. Samuel Lacey says:

    Thanks Dan,

    Have you given Jonny or Myself the opportunity to treat you right?

  5. Dan Winsberg says:

    I am sure You and Jonny and the rest would treat me right, Sam. And I have voted for you in the past. But lately I have decided to throw my allegiance to Gabe.
    I will add that your Savings Sherriff party has a distinctive message. I really like the hat. I will be happy for you if you win.

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